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Don’t go by media on this. A bright black guy, Denzel Washington, knows his REAL audience very well. He knows his people better than the advertisers who ONLY race mix.

“The Cassavetes character was notable for its hint of homosexuality, which was uncommon for the time.”

I like how in the media the deep consuming obsession that mixed race and even mixed-ethnicity people have with their own ancestry is, actually when you think about it, a rebuke of the existence or importance of identity.

There’s a reason why there’s tons of books on film directors and very few books on theater directors. He happens to find himself in a position that’s little more than an afterthought (helps with rehearsals, that’s about it, compared to his film counterpart).

How about a list of links to the comments in which the commenters wrote what you claimed they wrote?

My point was that the theater has a long history of casting actors and actresses in races and genders to which they don’t belong. But “stupid?” OK, whatever. Stupid, blind, and dumb. You don’t see what’s right in front of your eyes.

‘There is something utterly wrong with people who are obsessed with their racial heritage, as if it is something that completely defines them.

He sent a sample to one of the genome testing outfits and talked about the results on one of his streams. This guy seems to have bits and pieces from all webpage over, though he’s mostly – surprise! – northern European and Japanese.

Conversely, I worked with some people who probably had less black blood than the guy I just described — but apparently thought of themselves as black, and therefore were black.

Or maybe it’s Liang’s mother that should be the subject of the story, and not just whether or not she had sex with some other man. Maybe SHE is the real anomaly, in that she’s a lot paler than others in her family, and whatever (presumably recessive) genes caused that were not something she passed on to her children.

There is something utterly wrong with people who are obsessed with their racial heritage, as if it is something that completely defines them.

It certainly requires the actors involved to go all in and be very good so you forget about how they look.

He seemed to think that it was loony to even imagine such a thing was possible in modern-day America. He’s probably right.

There the casting seemed to help the theme, underscoring Lear’s blindness, since he doesn’t notice that she’s different from his other two daughters.

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